Please read this 




The files linked from these pages can be freely downloaded, distributed and broadcast subject to the following conditions:


Files and copies of files downloaded through these links must only be distributed together with the specified copyright information.


The song can be performed and/or recorded by other artists subject to the following conditions:


1. Every third-party performance and recording must be in the interests of peace.


2. The words and melody must not be changed without the consent of the authors, who can be contacted using the link below.


3. Every third-party performance and recording must carry the following copyright information:

JustWar | Words and Music by PM Webb | Arr. P.Jay


4. We expect any proceeds from third-party performances and recordings and all follow-on earnings of any kind, including merchandising revenues, to be donated to the charity MEDECINS SANS FRONTIERES or one of its subsidiary organizations bearing the same name but in a different language. We will need to approve any arrangements in this regard.


Links to this page are welcomed so long as they serve the peace movement.


It is expressly stated that this song must not be used to enrich anybody but the organization(s) named in point 4.